Saturday, May 13, 2006

One Skein Secret Pal

Okay, here's an opportunity for a picture-free entry (sigh), the One Skein SP Questionnaire:

1. Which yarn is most like your personality?

I'm thinking I'd be either a dark red or rich green silk blend, or periwinkle cotton. Hobby psychologists, have at it! :o)

2. What is your favorite color yarn to knit/crochet with?


3. Have you ever used variegated, or magic, yarns?

Yes, lots. In fact, I bought I don't remember how many pounds of sorta variegated yarns in that ebay-store clearance sale about a month ago. The colourway really has to appeal to me though.

4. Do you tend to favor certain fibers when choosing yarns?

I like blends that contain cotton, merino or silk. I rarely knit with any "pure fiber" except for felting.

5. Do you prefer to work with center-pull or traditionally wound balls of yarn?

I don't care either way.

6. Have you ever worked with organic yarns or are you interested in trying them?

Uh, organic as opposed to man-made fibers? Or organic in the environmentally friendly sense? Whatever, I've used it both ways.

7. How many and what projects have you made in the last year?

Three cardigans, a shawl, two scarves and the cotton monster that was an ill-conceived sweater in a previous life. I know, I have to get more pictures up. Also, two WIPs, cardigans again.

8. Will you be knitting any gifts this year?

Yes, felted slippers, socks and a sweater.

9. What is your favorite one skein project?

Haven't got the book yet. I don't know why, German Amazon is usually very reliable.

10. How much yarn do you have in your stash and how do you store it?

I store most of it in a huge red chest of drawers in my room, the overflow (ahem) wrapped in boxes, all with lavender and sandalwood stuff in them.

11. Do you have a yarn in your stash that you love so much you can never use it or part with it?

I have yarns that go through several swatches and plans, before I come up with a project "special" enough for them. I do want to knit with them eventually though.

12. Do you knit less or differently in the summer?

Not really, I almost never knit with really warm or fuzzy fibers anyway.

13. Do you belong to any knitting groups (online or offline)?

Well, the decision to go online and "knit in public" is a recent one, so I'm just getting started on looking at groups and all that, although I have been lurking in blogs and on message boards for a while. Offline? I'd love to, but I can't find any.

I've got an exciting instant gratification project planned for today, and there will be one last stab at camera CPR, so there might be two entries today, since I'm leaving again tomorrow.

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