Friday, June 23, 2006

This I gotta blog

You know, here's why I'm an incurable optimist: I'm right.

This is so not my week. Working on hopelessly late stuff, scrounging for appropriate clothes in the closet of Ms. "Olive green is the new black" (I guess it won't surprise anyone that the tragedy that shall remain unblogged involves a funeral?), getting organized (ha!), listening to my dad as he barked his bronchitis in my ear, and I wasn't there, watching helplessly as people I love went through hell (they are not back yet). Not my week.

But sometimes, when you are really stressed out, miserable and ear-achey, Fate decides that you need a heaping load of good stuff to perk you up a little.

First of all, people sent love. In person and in cyberspace, I was offered shoulders to cry on all week long, room and board if I needed a vacation from it all, and chocolate. I mean, what's a good crisis without chocolate? All that felt really good, and I'm deeply grateful. This is a trying time for me, but I'm finding that sorrow does not just make me vulnerable, but also wide open for all sorts of hope and kindness. I truly appreciate that.

Apparently, Fate wanted to reinforce the message with a little fiber therapy. Thus, it dispatched the postman to my door today.

First we have ...

... one skein of Japanese goodness. Silk Garden in #84, about 237 gorgeous shades of red. I have been toying with the idea of trying Silk Garden for a while now (unbeknownst to my Secret Pal), but so far there was no chance of meeting it in person. Pal to the rescue. I love it, and Secret Pal, you are right about everything you said in your letter. The blend! The colour! The yardage! The character! I think she sort of likes this yarn ;o). And so will I. I already swatched a little bit, and so far so lovely.

Speaking of the pals, the postman also bore a big package from England.
Apart from the fact that I always want to frame her wrapping paper, here's some real chicken soup for the knitter's soul:
An entire shawl. Handknit. For me.

This shawl is just so right for many reasons. It's soft and warm, for one thing :o). My pal says she thinks it's a bit short, but it works really well for me, because the boucle fabric is stretchy and doesn't slide off my shoulders, when I sit at the computer, but I don't have to worry about spilling coffee on the parts that would be draped over my arms with longer shawls. And those shades of pink? Love them! I really need to look for those shades more, what with all my muted greens and blues and purples. And did I mention that it was handknit? For me?

And ...

... three skeins of handpainted cotton in greens and rust? maroon? brick? Whatever, it looks like the view from my window in October. And I love that view :o). Gaaawwwwgeous. And ... gulp ... it looks like laceweight to me. That means, I guess, that I can't get away with knitting DK lace anymore. I shall rise to the challenge ... well, I'll have a go at it anyway.

Thank you soooo much, Secret Pal - and other Secret Pal!

If you're here for the World Cup Knitting, let me update while I'm here.

For a variety of reasons, I'm not very far along (row 65 of 140-something). Me? Not a natural lace knitter, not even polite garter stitch lace. But I'm getting there, and it's addictive in the "Just a few more, I have to see how it turns out" way. In case you're wondering about the colour, which looks very much like my Pal Shawl on here ... it's not. It's "dark dusty rose" alpaca, because I'm all with the dark and dusty. Not so much with this alpaca. It splits.

And I have to do just that now!

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