Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The good, the bad and the fantastic

The good news is that I sort of have pictures again.
I managed to get the camera to work, only the quality of the pictures is rather variegated ;o). Ah well, it will tide me over until I can buy a new one ... about 2010, I reckon.

Here's the bad news, well, for me anyway.
Blueberry Bomb turned out to be just that. I made it from the Cherry Bomb pattern in BGK with Rowan Summer Tweed in Blueberry. It knit up well, I got the right measurements, it blocked like a charm, it fits - and I look horrible in it. All weird and droopy and lumpy. I tried everything I could think of, different outfits, a bit of steaming, different attitudes ... no go. The top is lovely, but I suppose it's just not into me.
So ...

Much frogging ensued, before I lost my nerve. See what I mean about the bad pictures? I mean apart from my bad (annoyed about having to take a picture of an about to be frogged item) image composition?
Yeah, well, it gets worse.

This? I'm making it up as I go along, using the blueberry and some mohair/wool. A vest? A cardigan? We will see how far the yarn goes. It does look completely different in person.

I know I'm owing tons of pictures of socks and other FOs. I'm getting there.

Now ...
It's been one of those days. Boring but difficult work, a raaaather unpleasant phone conversation with my editor AND my bank manager. Lots of chores.
But: MAIL!!!!
My Secret Pal strikes again! And hurray for both the British and the German postal services, because it didn't take long at all.
Let's peek inside, shall we?

A letter and lots of gift-wrapped
packages. Love the paper.
Yeah, I know YOU can't really see it very well. It's lovely, trust me.

When we were kids, my cousin would have called this a seriously
good haul. Well, if he were a girl. And into fiber stuff. You know what I mean.
First of all, there is a cute little note pad with a sheep. As I always say, even notes from unpleasant phone calls are not so bad if a sheep is looking at you.
Then there is chocolate. KitKat Chunky Peanut Butter :O). Two and a half of them!!!! Oh alright, there were three. This is a long entry.

Yes, that great hat is just as soft as
it looks. Umm, it's a lot less bumpy in person, those are due to my mad photography skilz. Frankly, looking outside I'm not so sure I won't need it before next winter.
I love the colour, it fits my big head perfectly, and I don't really want to take it off. Also, as my Secret Pal already knows, it's the first handmade gift I received since I was a kid and my grandma was knitting doll clothes for me. :OD

A close up of the stationery. Just
because it's pretty.
The letter says that the long red box with Pooh, Tigger and Piglet on it is a toothbrush box for travelling to my parents, but ...

... it is OBVIOUSLY a case for my dpns. :o) It will still go on my trips with me, so all is well.

And then there is this deliciousness.
A supersoft Patons cotton blend in "Herb". Exactly my colour. And a whopping seven balls of it, too. Don't you love a pal who keeps in mind that you are a big chick and might need a little more yarn?
Now I'm in full frontal "new yarn mode". Must browse knitting books. Must find pattern.

Thank you so much, Secret Pal, I'm delighted with everything, and I do feel so spoiled!!

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