Friday, July 07, 2006

It's blocking

World Cup Knitting Challenge accomplished.

The Gardenpath Shawl, aka The thing that sucked the joy out of the last week of my life, is blocking in the hall. I usually block big pieces on my bed, but I wasn't sure how long the alpaca will take to dry. Unfortunately, there is not enough room to take a full picture.

It's huge. I ended up not liking it very much, although, as I've said before, I learned a lot and feel ready to tackle a more complicated lace project. I also learned that I don't like garter stitch-based projects. First of all, I miss purling! And the finished stitch pattern looks too "busy" for my taste. But this is the first shawl I ever knit, so I love it for that, and it's big and warm, so I expect to wear it a lot this fall.

I've got some other things to show, but they'll have to wait until after work.

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