Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sweating and Small Stuff

Well, we are having about 350% humidity here, so I haven't done much on my eternal WIPs (the crochet hoodie and Chocolate Covered Cherry), because it's just too hot and sticky.
Socks, however, are perfectly acceptable summer knitting.

I'm still very pleased with the 2 on 2 technique. It's a bit slower and more tangly than knitting with dpns, but it's only my first pair, and for me the fact that I'm actually making two socks at once tops all disadvantages. The colours of this sock yarn (Regia Cotton India) are a bit drab I think, but they can't all be Baudelaire (which I'm dying to make, but I don't have suitably lush sock yarn and funds are low at the moment.)

Since there is not much going on here, I'm going to post a few pics of some small stuff I made recently.

My Mini Travelling Kit: a PDA cozy that will fit my PDA with its bigger-than-usual battery and a cup cozy for my train latte that always comes in thin cardboard cups and is very hot. Double-stranded eyelash yarn (Schoeller and Stahl, I think) and a green cotton blend. Why does the PDA cozy have a teapot button? Because I like it.

After putting up pictures of scarily disjointed body parts a few weeks back, I forgot to post a picture of the finished project:
My Amineko, made from assorted leftovers of microfiber. I really enjoyed crocheting that little fellow, and I think he'll be getting some friends soon. I guess bunnies and puppies are a given with that model. What I'd really want would be an armadillo though ...

Even though it's supposed to get cooler over the next few days, my finishing endeavours are in serious danger right now. I got a gift today ...

A lovely skein of Lorna's Laces, Helen's Lace in Cranberry. Just for me. I shall knit lace.

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