Thursday, May 18, 2006

Rowan, Rowan, Rowan your boat ...

Just me with a brief update from Chez Parental Units.
Exciting things happening (well, I'm excited, anyway). Saturday will be the day of the Big Outing, wherein the entire family will actually leave the house together and have dinner at a friend's house. Yep, Momma 'n' them included. Half the town is a-twitter with the news. I'm not kidding, since it would appear that half the town is invited. Did I mention my parents live in a small place?
So right now, Mom and I are in the middle of The Great Outfit Issue of 2006. It has to be light, cool (temperature-wise) and roomy enough so people won't see that she's not wearing the fake boob, although the last item has become negotiable since we realized that the only garment able to conceal this little fact would be an oversized steel breastplate (see light and cool above).

On the knitting front ... I'm in the middle of the second sock of the second lot of Regia Bamboo - and there must be a way of rephrasing that dreadful sentence, but I can't think of it. Love the bamboo fiber, I strongly recommend it for summer socks.
Also, a visit to the Evil Crack Den brought forth my first project from BGK - Cherry Bomb, only with modifications to make it an evening top. The yarn? Rowan Summer Tweed in Blueberry. Oh, yeah.
I really tried to stay away, but the urge was too strong. Really, I tried.
Now, the silk-wrapped package tied with hand-woven strings made from Highland heather will arrive at the Crack Den on Saturday. I can't wait! Blueberry Bomb, you will be mine! (cue in deranged laughter)

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